Invisible man is a novel involving a man as a narrator of his seclusion and lack of recognition despite his little efforts. Literary, the man is not invisible; however, his presence and activities are not recognized. He is a great public speaker who delivers best in his speech despite him being a black. In different occasions, we can see him associating with whites; however, in oppressed condition. He is forced into the battle royal, creating discrimination among the blacks and white. The setting of the narration happens in a black college in the south. The narrator seems to be the major character in the story, and therefore all forces of racism are centred against him. The paper, therefore, will discuss the discrimination and invisibility of the narrator with respect to racism.
The storyteller ends up experiencing progress of systems, from the Liberty Paints plant to the Brotherhood, with each microcosm grasping a substitute idea of how blacks should act in the open field. As the storyteller attempts to depict himself through the properties and necessities obliged on him, he finds that, for each condition, the suggested progression limits his multifaceted nature as an individual and forces him to have an inauthentic effect. There, the storyteller ends up related with a structure in which white depends enduringly upon dull—both to the degree the mixing of the paint tones and to the degree the racial grandness care aftereffects of the workforce. Regardless the plant denies this dependence in the last presentation of its thing, and the storyteller, as a decrease man, turns up guaranteed about. A constrained time period partition later, when the storyteller joins the Brotherhood, he sees that he can fight for racial main thrust by working inside the conviction procedure of the connection; despite he by then finds that the Brotherhood needs to use him as a token decrease man in its theoretical errandIt is therefore clear that equity is of vital capacity to be effected but still the white and in particular, Dr Bledsoe does not accept the challenge that is fair despite the skin colour.
The deliberate expulsion of the narrator from the college creates a conflict that intensifies the tension of racism. The narrator is critically involved in foster change by fighting union politics (Ellison, 2016). The narrator, though his tone, we are able to understand that the discrimination by colour leaves the black in psychological torture. Therefore there is significant demand to liberate the situation and allow the equity in service and treatment despite the racism. For that reason, he was able to join the Brotherhood with Mary, who has a sense of social responsivity.
Racism becomes a vital element of the discussion that create the plot of the novel and the flow of the events. For instance, "If It's Optic White, It's the Right White," "If you're white, you're right,” is a slogan that the narrator is trying to criticize in a way that he shows how racism demise and undermine equity in terms of the social context (Bpi.Edu, 2020). Similarly, the narrator creates a situation that we all can figure out the impact of racism and discrimination. For example, the killing or rather the murder of Clifton by a white police officer is racism based and poses an insight of equality that trigger fight in order to seek fair treatment by blacks (Stark, 1973). The sense of identity by colour, therefore, project the intrinsic consideration of the impact that is to cause in a community, especially if it is to be upheld. The book, hence, advocate for the end of the racism in creating identity but reuniting all races for equal treatment.
Based on the character of the narrator, the Ellison project a clear vision of the racism and the impact it causes in a community. The narrator innocence particularly enables the Ellison to deliver the writing more sense in the describing inequity that is induced by skin colour difference. For instance, the narrator seeking a recommendation letter from college show a particular level of innocence when he takes action to take to look for a job. In that incidence, the recommendation project rejection and discrimination that is induced by the colour (Butler, 328). Specifically, the narrator is able to go back to college to seek more assistance that is vital for his survival. Ellison, therefore, is able to develop a critical flow of event that shows how oppression and discrimination end up, causing trauma in the black race. Occasionally, the brotherhood trajectory in the narrator's social life shows an extent of concern to those brutally maltreated in discrimination and therefore, his reaction demonstrates a critical aspect to address racism. The narrator thus plays a magnificent role to express a coherent analysis of discrimination within the blacks and whites.
The novel Invisible man, therefore, is centred on the stereotype of white in racism reaction. The advocacy of equity is the crucial lesson that the audience is required to learn. The novel creates a coherent understanding of the college setting with international students from different races. Its main aim is to magnify the need to eradicate the racism for prosperity and progress to be achieved in any of the activity. Primarily, in relation to the conduct of various characters, the impact of racism is created to project and induce the feeling that led to inequity.