Othello Essay Examples and Topics

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  • Othello: The Tragic Hero with Noble Qualities and Fatal Flaws

    Othello is a tragic hero whose ill-fate is self-inflicted by his own tragic flaw. First, Othello is portrayed as a noble character, and that makes him a hero. From his genuine heart to high social ranking, Othello’s being a noble character is certainly undeniable. He is a man who defied a diff...

    4 pages
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  • The Cunning Vengeance of Iago in Othello Essay Sample

    Shakespeare’s Othello is another fantastic piece of literature from his series of literary works. One of the outstanding characters is Iago, the ensign in the Venetian army. Iago is a man who portrays an image and personality that most people would want to hate. He is the antagonist whose moti...

    5 pages
    1366 words
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  • Essay Sample: Analyzing Desdemona's Last Words in Othello

    William Shakespeare’s Othello is a love gone sour kind of play and brought about by jealousy. The paper aims to explain whether the last words by Desdemona in Act 5 are true to her character or entirely out of character. It also aims to expound on one theme and how it has been highlighted in A...

    5 pages
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  • Essay About Deception and Betrayal in Shakespeare's Othello

    Shakespeare's Othello is one of Shakespeare's best plays; it is a classic play that features various themes across all the acts. Othello is the central character that the author uses to construct the entire play. The government trusts him and, as a result, is made a commander (Bloom, Harold, p15). D...

    3 pages
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  • Othello and Macbeth: Warriors and Outsiders in Shakespeare

    In Shakespeare’s “Othello,” Othello is an experienced soldier, but he remains at the periphery of the Venetian society because he is of the black race. Although an outsider, his skill as a leader and a soldier is welcome, as evidenced by the attitude of the senate and the Duke. His...

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  • The Impact of Patriarchy on Women's Lives in Othello

    Othello always knew that his wife Desdemona and her friend were faithful and truthful, respectively, yet he chose to listen to Lagos since he was his fellow male counterpart. This scenario shows how men tend to follow their fellow blindly without considering other factors and values, hence ending up...

    6 pages
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  • Essay on The Damaged Virtue of Honesty in Othello

    The contemporary society actively recognizes honesty as the ultimate virtue. The result of honesty is strengthened relationships and trust. However, Shakespeare’s Othello, the character ‘Honest Iago’ twists the meaning of honesty to ultimately lead into his personal dishonesty, abu...

    4 pages
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  • Essay on Iago’s Character Transformation in Othello

    In the play Othello, Iago's character vividly expresses the power of love and hate and how they influence an individual's actions. Many readers could point out Iago as the villain of the story, and rightly so; however, Shakespeare's creation of Iago's character elaborates more on the influence of on...

    8 pages
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  • Essay On Theme of Racism in Othello

    Othello, by William Shakespeare, is a tragic piece that revolves around two central characters Othello, a Venetian army general, and his ensign known as Iago. The story explores various themes portrayed by different actors as well as the surrounding activities. Some of the issues depicted in the nar...

    5 pages
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  • Essay on Othello’s Racial Identity

    In the play by Shakespeare, the main protagonist was Othello, a dark-colored male. Othello was a noble man by name and just so that he would view himself as one of the heroes. However, the reality was that dark-colored people were discriminated against or marginalized. There was extreme racism shown...

    3 pages
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  • Essay on Geopolitical and Racial Complexities in Othello

    Othello play is a historical framework that was under issues such as geopolitical and social complexes and designing it was at the dawn of the 17th century. The play transcends with time from the period it was written as the greatest tragedy with a creative standpoint. As pressing as today, the play...

    8 pages
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