Hamlet's Complex Character: Sensitivity, Impulsiveness, and Indecision

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Weakness and Impulsivity

Pages: 5 Words: 1117

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, is a play that explores the life of a young prince who originates from Denmark. The story revolves around the struggles of power and the desire to retain it. His father, King Hamlet, is killed by his brother Claudius because of greed to take over power. Prince Hamlet has gone for studies in Germany and arrives home to find his father dead, Gertrude, his mother already married to Claudius who has also crowned himself king. It is a moment of pain and confusion because Prince Hamlet cannot comprehend how his mother could remarry too soon to Claudius, a state that is considered incest. Besides, he is supposed to be the heir of the throne, which has already been taken by his greedy uncle Claudius. Prince Hamlet is one of the significant characters in the play, and the paper will, therefore, explore his role by the use of particular scenes and lines in the play.

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One of the most outstanding traits of Prince Hamlet is that he is susceptible, and this is evident from his reactions after learning of the killing of his father. The prince becomes hugely disturbed because of the death of his father and is determined to take revenge, especially when he suspects the killer. His sensitive nature is seen when he portrays an inner conviction that his father had been killed. When Prince Hamlet is confronted by his mother regarding his long days of mourning, he explains that he has an inner feeling that surpasses what other people see from the outside. Prince Hamlet states, "But I have that within which passeth show; These but the trappings and the suits of woe” (Shakespeare I.ii). The excerpt indicates that Hamlet has an extremely sensitive spirit, which other people cannot see even his mother. Similarly, through his monologue, it is evident that he has sensitive inner feelings, which depict that he is not only angry about the killing of his father but also her remarrying, and this makes him sick about life. He states, "O God! God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world!” (Shakespeare I.ii). It is an indication that he is afflicted while others cannot recognize it. Another way through which his sensitive nature is depicted is his surprise of his mother remarrying too soon to a relative a thing that is considered incest. In his soliloquy he also states "why she would hang on him, As if increase of appetite had grown By what it fed on: and yet, within a month—Let me not think don't—Frailty, thy name is woman!—A little month or ere those shoes were old With which she followed my poor father's body,” (Shakespeare I.ii). He is sensitive to the fact that his mother could not wait for even a month after his father was buried so that she could remarry. It is a state that troubles him because he does not understand why she could not wait longer.

Additionally, Hamlet is also hasty and impulsive because he makes decisions without giving them much thought. It is evident when he quickly stabs Polonius through the other side of the curtain without confirming who it was. Hamlet decides that he wanted to kill the person whom he believes is the king, and he is listening to his conversation with Gertrude, his mother. It is also seen from the way he talks to other characters without minding about their feelings. For instance, when he is talking to Ophelia about not loving her, she uses words that first come to his mind, and he states, "get thee to a nunnery"(Shakespeare III.i). He could have been thoughtful and used better words on Ophelia, but he rather blurts out the first words that come from his mind. It is through such quotes that one can realize that he is impulsive in his behavior, thinking, and it is eventually manifested from his talk. When his mind begins to wander, he does things out of haste. A good example of his impulsive thoughts is when he says, "Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, and thus the native of the hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought" (Shakespeare III.i). It is an indication that when he begins to think of something, his mind begins to race, and this is the reason as to why he acts on impulse.

Hamlet is also a feeble character, as seen from his actions of procrastination. He is not able to make firm decisions and instead remains indecisive even on matters that require a firm decision and immediate action. An example of his weak character is when he delays killing the murder of his father. It is an indication that he felt insufficient and incapable even when situations required him to act. Additionally, he does not take in the advice of any person, a character that is not only dangerous but also uncalled for because he is to be the heir of the throne, and he cannot make decisions solely. He refuses to listen to all the authorities in the entire play and only follows his mind even when he is wrong. At the beginning of the play, when Claudius tries to talk to him, he replies rudely to him despite Claudia seeing his unhappiness. Besides, he shows the same attitude of not willing to listen to people who are more senior than him. The action of a lack of willingness to listen is evident when he is addressed by Polonius Hamlet throws insults and refuses to listen to him. For instance, he refers to Polonius as a "fishmonger" (Shakespeare II.i). It is an indication that he is always ready to insult him even when Polonius is trying to help him. Another thing that is evident is that he does not only refuse to take advice from the people he dislikes but also those he loves, for instance, his mothers. When Gertrude tries to tell Hamlet that he should stop insulting Claudius, he states, "Mother, you have my father much offended" (Shakespeare III.iv). It is a reply that shows the countering of his mother's talk.

In conclusion, it is important to note that Hamlet is a character who plays a critical role in the play through his various traits. He is brave but, at the same time, feeble. He is brave when he is motivated to revenge for his father by killing his murderer but again feeble when he does not take the step in good time. He is also an impulsive character who makes hasty decisions.

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