Essay on Language Propaganda and Technology as a Tool for Totalitarian Government in "1984"


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Propaganda and Totalitarianism

Pages: 7 Words: 1733


In the understanding of literary contexts, various subjects were generated to indicate the literary traditions needed in describing the inspired future as presented by the authors in different arts. For instance, the novel 1984 by George Orwell was classified under the second category. The novel is also identified as a dystopian novel. The identification under the dystopian novel means that the author points out one of the features by emphasizing how the current condition could develop into an ugly situation. The book is used in dramatizing different experiences of how things could grow into wrong and messy states (Qin, 2018). The novel shows the possibility of a war outbreak or a situation where the government would establish its citizens' surveillance. People would fall under strict dictatorship and lose the right to speech, and censorship would make propaganda separable from the actual news details. Therefore, this article presents the evaluation of how George Orwell uses language, propaganda, and technology to portray a dystopian society in the novel 1984.

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The novel 1984 by George Orwell displays some contexts well expressed in the dystopian society. The novel is composed in a grim, bleak, and pessimistic situation that limits the general interests of different details described in the book. Orwell displays a society that is mainly ruled by constant fear when carrying out other practices. In one of the suggested societies, Oceania, the citizens experience limited freedom with strict free speech (Qin, 2018). The portrayed community is considered the text's example of the dystopian society viewed in humanity's general existence. In the novel's context, the author continually re-imagines the world's geography and remaps its borders in general.

The author, George Orwell, expresses the misunderstanding between the three major nations in the novel. The conflicting nations include three giant countries such as Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastasia. The first state, Oceania, is made of the nations where the novel consists of England and America. The government is under a total regime of totalitarianism that is identified as The Party (Qin, 2018). The control of the Party is guided by a well-established system of the all-seeing entities of law enforcement programs, also identified as the Big Brother.

From the title of the novel, 1984, the author suggests the future setting while it was composed in 1948, and the idea is generated when the author slightly reverses the number to fit the title. The number reversal indicates the context that the novel describes a future experience. Orwell composed the book immediately after World War II, which left England in a significantly devastating condition, and a pessimist climate was created after the war events (Qin, 2018). Throughout the novel's prescience, the author does not describe a distant future, but the ideas are generated pretty close to home.

Use of Language to Portray a Dystopia Society in the Novel 1984The author, George Orwell, through his novel the Nineteen- Eighty- Four, presented a collection of events that he observed and composed all from 1936. The author developed a totalitarian society where Oceania had its inner mechanism and history and was identified as a famous occasion that describes organizations and actions reminiscing a totalitarian community, as depicted in the novel context (Turkey et al., 2020). Therefore, one of the most applied concepts used to portray a dystopian society is the constant use of language manipulation. The language manipulation in the novel is displayed as a weapon of mental abuse and control of its power. For instance, the use of language in the novel is evident when George Orwell focuses mainly on fascism. The condition he experiences throughout the life situations he rejects a society run in a totalitarian structure. He experienced occasions that shocked him, such as when he traveled for the civil war in Catalonia (Turkey et al., 2020). When he was traveling for the war, he had already identified the negativity of living in a totalitarian society. Orwell also encountered significant influence; he was affected so much. The author opposed the war since he was convinced that the action could result in fascism in the society of the novel's setting.

In language use, the author displays that language is essential to human thought and would be continuously applied as a mind control context. The language is considered necessary since it limits and structures the individual's idea of expressions and formulations. Suppose the control of language was considered an essential requirement within political agencies. In that case, the author proposes that the organizations that embrace language use could rearrange the language structure that would be applied appropriately to prevent the conceiving of rebellious thoughts (Turkey et al., 2020). The idea of Orwell's descriptions of the use of language as a weapon of mind is applied in manifestations of the language of a new peak that is introduced by the political parties to replace the common uses of the English language. The Party is continuously perfecting and refining Newspeak with the ultimate objective that none will develop the ability to conceptualize anything that might be used to question the Party's absolute power.

The author, Orwell, composed the novel to believe that the corruption language and totalitarianism had a connecting language evident in the dystopian society. The main focus in describing how language was used was mainly addressed in the context of distorted events related to the political languages where concepts and events are distorted by creating specific vocabularies (George, 2017). Things are said in a covered manner, thus avoiding producing the inner picture of the word stated in the described context. For instance, in the English and political language expressions, Orwell simplifies the use of language that can be applied in corrupting language and also corrupting thoughts. The Newspeak is achieved at last with the help of language for corruption contexts.

The mentioned forms of using the language for manipulation are challenging to fight against since they aim at the mind. First, the whole system is projected at the history falsifications for two objectives. In an outward expression, the use of language in the Party is infallible. All information is alternated to change all the wrong words to connect to a specific concept, an impression identified as propaganda (Qin, 2018). According to the descriptions in the novel, the falsification of history occurs in Winston's working environment, identified as the Ministry of Truth. The use of language in a false context does not create worry when used by the politicians since various changes have been composed and only require replacing one lie with another. The other objective of using the language aims at eliminating the memory from the people’s mind (George, 2017). However, people tolerate the miserable conditions since they were convinced it was worse before the revolution. Therefore, with the minimum correction in the past, nobody identifies the possible truth, thus generating lesser complaints when the situations might worsen.

Use of Propaganda to Portray a Dystopia Society in the Novel 1984In the novel, the author, Orwell, shows a condition where the propaganda is used mainly to keep control over the public. The big brother was used as the powerful propaganda that was later turned against Goldstein. The propaganda created against Goldstein is applied mainly to harm and make a public enmity (Zaabat, 2017). For instance, the article presents occasions where the propaganda is used after the ruling Party's production that intends to support the Big Brother and mainly take advantage to control the citizens. The Party aims at filling the minds of its citizens with the generated confusions and propaganda so that the rebellious thoughts are never sustainable.

The propaganda was displayed in the telescreens. They are therefore identified as the broadcasts on the telescreens, as shown in the novel, 1984. The broadcasted news in the telescreens shows the manipulations that make the government appears more effective and efficient (Zaabat, 2017). The telescreens are also used to display the military music used in evoking patriotism feelings among patriotic citizens. Therefore, the citizens experienced challenges in avoiding the Party's propagandas since the screens were never switched off; thus, they could not escape the events (George, 2017). Therefore, Propaganda is evident in playing a significant role in the narration of the novel 1984 by Orwell. In this context, propaganda is identified as biased information that is purposely used in promoting the actual political causes. The telescreens had been developed into a system where they would only display propaganda. The access to the propaganda made other citizens inundate with confusing information that resulted in total confusion. As a result, the citizens experienced significant challenges in formulating the rebellion thoughts against the government (Zaabat, 2017). For instance, in the scene where O’Brien tortures Winston, his primary descriptions of their intentions were to purpose on replacing the ideologies of the people by introducing their interests and removing the initial interests needed in the citizen's case belief on the provided information. With the display of two-way screens, citizens show a happy face to the telescreens, thus avoiding the possibility of being troublemakers or malcontent (George, 2017). The ocean people always know that the Big Brothers are used mainly to keep surveillance on the citizens.

The use of propaganda as a tool for the totalitarian government was also shown in the Two Minute Hate. The Two Minute Hate is described as the regularly broadcasted program on the installed telescreens where all individuals develop interests in avoiding the participation spirits on the outline’s activities (Zaabat, 2017). One of the Party's traitors, Goldstein, is always active in all the broadcasts. Goldstein is displayed as the symbol for resistance to the activities of the Big Brother. Goldstein's rebellious activity is considered a despicable figure in the world entirely (George, 2017). The claims of propaganda usage in the article that is also evident in the dystopian community state that all the subsequent crimes against the treacheries, Party, heresies, the act of the Party, and deviations that directly spring out of the teaching.

Also, the totalitarian leadership in Oceania, the actions of propaganda would be applied through ideas, rumors, myths, and false information with the primary objective of controlling the citizens' minds. Therefore, propaganda is significantly essential and is considered a necessary tool in the totalitarian government. Propaganda is, therefore, a significant brainwashing activity (Zaabat, 2017). The brainwashing is evident when the people of Oceania trust the public and their political leadership since they thought the Party was strategically functioned for their significant benefit and make them happy. However, every member under the totalitarian direction would be exposed to danger for believing in the propaganda. Therefor...

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Propaganda and Totalitarianism

Pages: 7 Words: 1733

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