Essay on Isolation, Abuse, and Potential for Recovery in Movie 'To Kill a Mockingbird'


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Isolation, Abuse, and Potential for Recovery in Movie 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

Pages: 4 Words: 927


To kill a mocking bird is an American drama film produced in 1962 by Robert Milligan. The film is set in Maycomb with a setting of 1932 and uses time reality to portray a courageous white liberal. The film is from a novel bearing the same title. The below evaluation encompasses the character Boo Radley by assuming the position of his doctor. The evaluation further provides a background towards his behavior by explaining the causes of the behavior, providing a diagnosis, and then issuing a potential medical care plan.

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Referral Question

Boo Radley isolated himself from other people, as seen in the film. The assessment below was requested to determine the reasons behind his isolation and the adverse effects of the action. The assessment also aims to identify the root causes of his mental and psychological disorders and state a potentially effective treatment plan and accommodation in society. The specific questions to be answered by this assessment are the character's level of cognitive development, which encompasses the identification of his intellectual capabilities. Another question to be answered in this assessment is his body system's social and emotional functionality status.

Identifying Information

At the time of examination, Boo Radley is a neighbor to the Flinch family, rarely seen. His neighbors felt his presence, defining him as literal and symbolic naturally because he only comes out at night. Boo has mental issues such as anxiety, which is adverse, influencing others' perception as abnormal (Dogra, 2016). The character is a victim of domestic violence, which was initiated by his father. His father would lock him up due to minor misunderstandings at his young age. His family often gave him adverse isolation, which could not enable him to live everyday life. It is rumored that Boo in his neighborhood is responsible for his neighbor's pets' mysterious deaths.


During the assessment of Boo, he was very calm and composed. He did not portray any signals of aggression and impulsiveness. However, he rarely responded to queries directed to him, and he would stare at the examinee quietly. It was a complicated exercise as assessment requires the examinee's involvement to either through responding or positioning their bodies as required (Patterson, 2018). However, Boo did not resist applying a few types of equipment in the assessment, which made it hard to believe that he had a history characterized by mistreatment and isolation from his immediate family. That translates to average levels of cooperation, giving a significant basis for developing practical recommendations and suggestions of a treatment plan.

Summary and Conclusions

Boo's behavior was due to his mental and psychological effects due to his tormenting past characterized by family isolation and father's aggression and mistreatment. By his action of only getting out of the night is due to fear of encountering individuals who would excise various mistreating forms on him (Patterson, 2018). Secondly, his behavior is due to the developed aspect of self-isolation as he got used and adapted to rejection. If his family could reject and isolate him, what would society do? That rhetorical question made him believe he belonged to himself, and the society will not protect and embrace him.

His intellectual capabilities bring out his strengths and weaknesses. His strengths comprise a powerful protective nature. He protected Jem and Scout and is capable of sacrificing his life for them. On the other hand, focusing on his weaknesses, Boo was a reckless individual, and his recklessness led to the development of isolation attributes from his family (Dogra, 2016). However, his reckless nature was not intentional. Extensively, it was as a result of his father's mishandling. Also, the act of extended isolation from his family further attributed to the development of his recklessness.


The above assessment leads to the realization that Boo Radley has adverse mental and psychological disorders. The long isolation he was subjected to lead to adverse mental, emotional and psychological issues. Boo expresses significant social anxiety disorders, which is why he isolates himself and only comes out at night. That aspect renders him agoraphobic, hence being abnormal in society's standard set up (Patterson, 2018). The assessment also leads to identifying his behavior as a result of adverse mental torture and physical abuse, as discussed above. Boo received the treatment from his father and developed a negative attitude toward society. He believes nobody can love him and opts to maximize the provision of self-love. As a result, he developed a careless attitude making him focus on his life.


The significant recommendation towards the management of Boo Radley's mental condition is his community's social integration. Boo needs to interact with his neighbors and the broader community to fight his fears of rejection. That will result in the enhancement of social relationships and result in the recovery of his mental illness (Dogra, 2016). The treatment for mental disorders is by the integration of social aspects such as healthy socialization. Secondly, a psychological therapist should be assigned to Boo to help him manage his psychological issues towards society. That will entail formulating a workable schedule that will guide his interaction with the professional.

Another significant recommendation is a cessation of his behavior of only appearing at night. Boo should make notable appearances during the day, which will play an essential role in managing his fear of rejection. Initially, Boo has suffered rejection from his family and developed the same instincts to society (Patterson, 2018). Another recommendation necessary for Boo to undertake is community building involvement through either establishing or participating in already available initiatives. That will result in establishing a healthy relationship with the environment and effective management of his conditions.

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